Disaster can strike Indonesia at any moment. Therefore, community disaster preparedness is essential.
Recently, Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta emitted phreatic eruption followed by volcanic ash that showered some areas in the city and the surrounding areas. Although there were no victims, it seems that community knowledge of disaster needs improvement.
MitEdu Game has finally arrived. This innovation by UGM students is a solution and an interactive educational strategy related to disaster mitigation. The MitEdu Game presents the sensation of 3D games with Augmented Reality technology.
“Such innovation is essential, especially for mitigation. This is an attempt to prevent and learn about disasters,” said Esya Rachma Ningrum at UGM, Tuesday (7/17).
The MitEdu Game was initiated by three UGM students, Esya Rachma Ningrum (Geography 2017), Faturahman Yudanto (Informatics Engineering 2016), and Setianing Wikanthi (Microbiology 2017). The game is expected to become an innovative media for disaster mitigation education.
In addition, this game can educate children with a combination of technology in gameplay. It also offers a virtual reality with 3D sensation when playing the game.
“At the eruption level, users can virtually experience the moment through the game. Different situation will arise when the users are able to proceed to the next level,” said Esya as the team leader.
Esya asserted the combination of technology and book becomes the game’s advantage. Books are meant to build children’s interest in reading, accompanied by advanced technology.
The MitEdu Game presents four levels of potential natural disasters in Yogyakarta, such as volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and flood. The game offers a self-rescue concept during a disaster, the preparation, and the aftermath.
Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, S.Si., M.T., M.S., as the mentor, said that the game has the potential as an interesting and interactive media of education. Children are required to read books while playing the game.
“The game can be played individually or in groups,” she said.