Faculty of Biology UGM has introduced an appropriate technology for the castration and pollination of orange watermelon to Depokrejo Village, Ngombol, Purworejo, Central Java.
“The purpose is to introduce to the community how to develop superior orange watermelon seeds,” said Drs. Heri Sujadmiko, M.Si, chairman of Appropriate Technology Grants for Orange Watermelon 2018 recently.
The socialization was held on Sunday (7/15) and attended by 20 people consisting of villagers and village officials.
Heri pointed out Depokrejo Village is one of the potential areas for red and yellow watermelon cultivation. The innovation of orange watermelon development with castration and pollination techniques is hoped to support the rise of Depokrejo Village as the largest orange watermelon supplier in Indonesia.
“Hopefully it can improve the economy of village community,” he said.
This socialization of appropriate technology gained positive responses from the community as shown by their enthusiasm in participating in the activity.
“They are eager to do a practical training in the field.”
The socialization does not only introduce the castration and pollination technique of orange watermelon. It also introduces sustainable land management using the method of liquid organic fertilizer delivered by Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si, M.Sc.
Besides, a discourse on “One Village One Product” was also delivered by Faculty of Biology Dean, Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. The discourse aims to motivate village community in developing the village of orange watermelon.