UGM acts swiftly by activating the Disaster Response Unit UGM (DERU-UGM) team at the locations affected by tectonic earthquakes in West Nusa Tenggara on Sunday (29/7). Director of Community Service UGM, Prof. Ir. Irfan Prijambada, M.Eng., Ph.D., said an emergency assessment and activities were done by two units of Student Community Service (KKN) that were doing community service projects in Lombok Barat and Lombok Timur.
“The location affected by the earthquake that have been assessed are Sembalun and Obel-Obel villages in Sambelia,” said Irfan on Monday (30/7).
The students that are 90 km of the locations have assisted work at shelters, giving emergency aid in the form of food, and giving medical assistance along with community health centres and local paramedics.
Irfan explained of the 2 units there were 30 students with supervisor, Rumiyati, Ph.D, in Masbagik Timur and 29 students in Bagikpolak with supervisor, Dr. Arie Sujito.
Irfan added the students did disaster assessment, helped works in shelters, helped medical workers, giving emergency aid, and helped logistics team.
“The students coordinated with BNPB, BPBD NTB, stakeholders, KAGAMA, and community health services,” he said.