As many as 42 researchers, lecturers, students and practitioners from various institutions in Indonesia join training related to cytogenetics, molecular genetics, and bioinformatics at Faculty of Biology UGM.
From 23- 31 July 2018, they were given training in class and practicum in the laboratory.
Event coordinator, Indra Lesmana, M.Sc., said Faculty of Biology regularly hosted such training each year and this was the fourth event. The themes are now on Cytogenetics Analysis and Characterisation of Animal and Plant Chromosome, Identification of Species with DNA Barcoding, Molecular Diagnosis for Genetic Diseases and Metabarcoding Analysis and Metagenome with Next Generation Sequencing.
“The last theme is the new theme that we raise as a response to the global trend that integrates biology research with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the era of Internet of Things (IoT),“ on Friday (3/8).
Dean of Faculty of Biology UGM, Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr., said this training was a form of science dissemination to the general public. It is expected to increase the contribution to supporting state advancement.