The name Nur Wijaya Kusuma was mentioned during the new student welcoming event in the courtyard of Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) on Monday (8/6). He is the youngest student that has been admitted at Universitas Gadjah Mada for 2018/2019 academic year at the age of 15 years 3 months and 6 days old.
Wijaya, his nickname, came from Solo. He is accepted to Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering UGM through invitation mechanism which selects students based on their excellent academic records.
Wijaya said he had been taking the acceleration program since elementary school to high school. He studied for 5 years in elementary school, 2 years in middle high school, and 2 years in senior high school.
“I took the accelerated classes at SD 16 Surakarta, then SMP 9 Surakarta, and SMA 2 Surakarta,” he said during the welcoming ceremony.
The guy born on May 18, 2003, had wanted to take the acceleration program since preschool. At that time, people had told him that pursuing education quickly at an early age promises a better future.
“I was told that if I could complete my studies early, things would be easier in the future. So, I joined the program and my parents also supported me.”
Taking the acceleration class was not easy for him. At such a young age, he always had to maintain his grades in order to continue the program. Even so, he still had time to have fun as children his age in spite of the intense schedule.
“I spent Monday to Saturday studying, and Sunday to relax and have fun,” said Wijaya, whose hobby is gaming.
The only child of Sapta Kusuma Brata and Uswatun Khasanah admitted he was delighted to know he was admitted to UGM. This way he can continue the footstep of his father who also studied at the university. His father is an alumnus of Nuclear Engineering who currently works as high school teacher.
He does not expect to be UGM’s youngest student of this year. This achievement is the result of his hard work, as well as prayers and supports from his parents. “I am just an ordinary child. I am just lucky because of my parent’s prayers.”