Fisheries Department UGM hosted ClimEco6 Summer School: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Oceans since 1 – 8 August 2018. It is a collaboration with Integrated Marine Biosphere Research, The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), Institute of Marine Research (IMR), State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The summer school runs at UGM to give training for graduate and doctoral students as well as researchers and to develop the next generation of marine interdisciplinary researchers.
“Participants are given practical skills in science communication to integrate science-policy-society, so they can be more effectively influence decision making in marine environment,” said Chairman of Fisheries Department, Dr. Ir. Murwantoko, M.Si, on Tuesday (7/8).
Against the background of climate change effect that is projected to increase, the ClimEco6 is organised. That requires overall management that takes into account social and ecological dimensions, including fisheries and marine sector.
“To make this succeed, management of fisheries and marine resources have to be supported by interdisciplinary studies that integrate social and natural sciences as well as decision makers,” he said.
As many as 50 people from 22 states joined the course. Lecturers are Christopher Cvitanovic (University of Tasmania, Australia), Jessica Blythe (Waterloo University, Canada), Laurent Bopp (LSCE, France), Beth Fulton (CSIRO, Australia), Priscila Lopes (UFRN, Brasil), Suadi (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), Riza Yuliratno Setiawan (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), Rashid Sumaila (British Columbia University, Canada), and Ingrid van Putten (CSIRO and University of Tasmania, Australia).
“We hope this event can enhance the collaborative research between institutions from different countries and disciplines in the deliberation of climate change in marine sector,” he said.