A series of earthquakes has struck Lombok Island and neighbouring areas. The temblor reaches its peak on Sunday (8/5).
The earthquake with a magnitude of 7 has caused damage and death toll. Indonesia’s National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) to Saturday (8/11) has reported that 392 people have died, 1.353 seriously injured, and 387.067 displaced from shelters.
Meanwhile, the quake damaged 67.875 houses, 606 schools, and 6 bridges. In addition, there were 3 hospitals, 10 health centers, 1 mosques, 50 musalla, and 20 office units collapsed as well.
Faculty of Geography UGM contributed to the emergency response in Lombok by forming the Task Force Team – Supporting Spatial Data (TF-PDS). The team is supported by the Center for Remote Sensing and Department of Geographic Information Science consisting of the faculty’s lecturers and students.
“The purpose of this team is to spread information on the needs of evacuees and building damage level from the earthquake,” stated Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Muh. Aris Marfa’i, M.Sc,, UGM Geography’s Dean, Monday (8/13).
According to Aris, information on the needs of evacuees is essential to support aid distribution. Maps containing the information are expected to facilitate the distribution.
“Information on building damage can be used for the reconstruction phase. Accordingly, recovery priority planning can be made based on the level of damage.”
The website for these maps can be found at http://ugm.id/petabencanalombok2018a, http://ugm.id/PetaBencanaLombok2018, and http://geoportal.puspics.ugm.ac.id. Meanwhile, the TF-PDS team cooperates with various partners in the operation.
“Some of the partners are DERU UGM team to collect data on evacuee needs in the field, UNITAR-UNOSAT (http://www.unitar.org/unosat/maps/IDN) to provide post-disaster Pleiades imagery, GDACS Satellite Mapping Coordinate System to coordinate building damage mapping (https://gdacs-smcs.unosat.org/events/92), and DSSDI UGM as a Geoportal provider,” he explained.
The team also represents UGM in contributing to the mapping of building damage from satellite imagery after the earthquake in Lombok through International Disaster Charter (IDC) on Activation ID: 580, with other contributors from LAPAN, AIT, Copernicus, SERTIT, and UNITAR-UNOSAT (https://disasterscharter.org/web/guest/activations/-/article/earthquake-in-indonesia-activation-580-).