UGM’s Faculty of Forestry has celebrated its 55th anniversary, done by rice-cone cutting ceremony by Dean Dr. Budiadi, S.Hut., M.Agr.Sc. The celebration run on Friday (24/8) at the Faculty with the theme Towards the Glory of Indonesia’s Forests.
According to Budi, this theme was raised because the Indonesia’s forests have been more threatened. The threats came from human beings in the form of illegal logging, the customs of surrounding community, or the corrupted government officials. The celebration is implemented in three events, which are national seminars, reunion, and competitions.
Budi said each of the event had its own target. “The national seminar aims at opening scientific discussion room for students on the importance of the forest,” he revealed.
Meanwhile, the sporting competition was done to enhance solidarity that can help achieve the spirit of the anniversary theme, hence partner institutions have been involved in the event as well.
Budi explained further that the reunion was to bring together students, educators, and alumni to discuss problems and solutions related to forest issues in Indonesia. “Our alumni have held several important positions in the government,” he said.
Budi explained that the expected results of the events were to have the mentality of forestry graduates that love the forest.
“That is because these young foresters will hold important positions in the country’s forestry in the future,” he said.
A lecturer from the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Nugroho Marsoem, M.Agr.Sc., shared the views. He said that without the love, it is not possible for the foresters to care for the forest. He further expected the support from the university in this matter.
“Faculty of Forestry under UGM hopes for more support in the forest development for the glory of Indonesia’s forest, especially in Industry 4.0,” he said.