“The cooperation between Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) and Universitas Gadjah Mada is an endeavor to achieve the nation’s unity and prosperity,” stated the UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng.
This statement commenced the talk show entitled “Synergy to Build the Country” on Wednesday (9/12) afternoon at Balairung UGM. The event was held by RRI in collaboration with UGM to commemorate the 73rd National Radio Day and the 69th Anniversary of UGM.
He continued, there have been many efforts done by UGM to achieve the prosperity of Indonesia. “One example is responding to disasters as what happened in Lombok earlier this month.”
Indonesia is the ‘supermarket of disasters’ due to its geographical condition. In response to this, UGM formed the Disaster Response Unit (DERU). The team was aimed to always prepare for disaster response.
“Through DERU, UGM screens the lecturers and students who want to take part and deploys them immediately to disaster-affected areas,” he explained.
Aside from that, Prof. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, Director of Community Service Directorate, affirmed UGM also patented its research results to the public. “This is one of our attempts to improve the quality of people in Indonesia,” he said.
Technology commercialization, according to Prof. Irfan, usually starts with the annual Community Service program. He stated that it is done between 3 to 5 years in the same location.
“The first year is to map the problems, the second year to find the solutions and discuss them with local communities, while the third year to start the problem-solving programs.”
Meanwhile, RRI has its own role as the unifier and builder of this country. Dwi Hernuningsih from Supervisory Board of RRI explained that all this time, RRI always broadcasts all information to people who need it.
Actively reporting on the earthquake in Lombok, RRI Mataram became the center for volunteers to gather because all information was transmitted there. “In such situations, radio is the only communication line available.”
RRI Mataram also directly helped the earthquake victims on site. “They socialized disaster management, built emergency schools for students, and broadcasted trauma healing programs,” she explained.
Nuning opined these efforts are in line with the spirit of RRI’s birth. “Seventy three years ago, RRI was established as one of the media for the struggle to maintain and build the nation, and it’s still the same today.”
She revealed that the team was actually scared to be in Lombok. However, they still performed their duties to keep the flow of information uninterrupted. “We will keep the broadcast airing 24 hours per day.”
The cooperation with UGM has long been established. Through community service programs, RRI trained students to be able to broadcast news when it is needed as in the recent disaster.
Regarding the continuation of cooperation, Nuning hoped this synergy can last for a long time, given the agreement between UGM and RRI. “We have broadcasted results of research by UGM, including yesterday’s disaster.”
Narsudin, S.Sos., member of North Lombok Regional House of Representatives, confirmed all these efforts by RRI and UGM. He pointed out that they have helped revive the community physically and psychologically.
“Thanks to RRI and UGM, the reconstruction process of Lombok has become faster. Representing the Lombok people, I would like to thank you sincerely. Hopefully, it can continue until Lombok has truly recovered,” he concluded.