Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Yogyakarta Mobile Brigade (Brimob) have given preparedness training to 59 UGM security and safety officers from 18-20 September in Wanagama Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Secretary of the security unit, Atik Suwarti, said the training was done annually to improve personnel’s preparedness in their security and safety duties.
“In the past two years, we have done three times training of preparedness,” said Atik after the event at Balairung UGM on Tuesday (18/9).
According to Atik the event was done regularly. There are thousands of personnel of security being assigned across UGM faculties and they will all receive such training.
Atik added the personnel that receive the training would be a resilient officer in their duties especially in emergency situation on campus. “The personnel is expected to always be prepared in securing assets, controlling security and order,” she said.
The person in charge of the training, Nur Sulistiyo, said the participants would receive physical and mental exercise as well as investigation and intelligence technique. “Apart from physical training, they are also given investigation and intelligence training,” he said.
Before departing for the training location, all participants were briefed by UGM security managers and Deputy Head of Security of Brimob Yogyakarta, AKBP. Moh Erwin.