Successful organizational transformation requires changes in organizational culture. Universities make these changes if they strive to succeed in facing the challenges of a dynamic and uncertain future. However, reconstructing organizational culture is a difficult and time-consuming process. It takes various well-systematized plans to ensure cultural internalization process goes smoothly, thereby new values can be embedded and reflected in the attitude of the academic community.
This was stated by Nindya Dudija in a public doctoral examination for Psychology Master’s Program, UGM Faculty of Psychology, Friday (9/21), at the Auditorium. Entitled “The Metamorphosis of Indonesian Universities: Journey of Organizational Culture Reconstruction”, her dissertation was conducted on three universities in major cities, which are Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Bandung.
According to Nindya, the three unnamed universities had experienced fundamental changes in their organizational culture because they could change all the elements, including work structure, relations, and the values that had long existed.
Her research results showed the process of organizational culture reconstruction began with the awareness that grew from within because of the future challenges that must be faced. Even so, every university will still face internal opposition from people who resist change. “The task of leaders and managers is to gather information about external changes and future challenges,” she said.
In each stage of organizational culture change, she opined, dialectics will occur in the form of thesis, antithesis, and conflicts which include reaction and synthesis.
Nindya stated there were 8 phases in organizational culture change, including past reflection, future prediction, future measurement, strength identification, potential management, proactive-status quo integration, as well as change and adjustment phase.
Meanwhile, the values created after restructuring universities are collaboration, attention on markets, creativity, branding, and entrepreneurship.