Management expert and Master in Management lecturer of UGM, Hany Handoko, M.B.A., Ph.D., said creativity is not inborn but can be trained. Not everyone can be an innovator, indeed, but to generate creative and innovative humans can be trained by exploring ideas and implement them for society.
“Creativity is not born since birth, but it can be trained,” said Hany Handoko opening a talkshow themed Finding Problem, Exploring Business Idea in Auditorium of MM UGM on Friday (21/9).
Technology innovator Steve Jobs, according to Hany, had produced innovation by training himself. He encountered a problem when the computer was turned on, it produced noises due to the sound of fan motors. “Steve Jobs even had gone to as far as India to find an idea (to resolve this),” he said.
Hany expected the young generation to produce similar creativity and implement it into a business idea. “So, when there is a problem, an idea occurs instead of complaints,” he said.
Hany admitted that to implement an idea is not easy but challenging, especially for a startup. “Startup business can be the solution to job creation and social problems,” he added.
Deputy Head of MM UGM, Bayu Sutikno, Ph.D, said funding was still a problem for startup business in Indonesia apart from taxes and consumer protection.
“The newborn startup is already levied with taxes, also consumer protection needs improvement because privacy and product quality are of utmost necessity,” he added.
Fadli Wilihandarwo, CEO of Pasienia startup, admitted the failure they had when developing the apps that connect patients..”Although we had once won a Google competition, during the launch we had 3,000 users, but this had dropped down to just 5 users at one time,” he recalled.
This experience was worthy for him as the app founder. Along with three colleagues, he evaluated the reasons why the users had left the apps. “Failure becomes the drive, don’t let each failure stop us,” he said.
Head of Marketing Communications of UGM’s Innovative Academy (IA), Alex Dharmawangsa, said Pasienia was a programme mentored by Innovative Academy since 2014. The programme is for students to hone their digital creative ideas. “Through Innovative Academy, we ask students to change their mindset, make solution to problems, and to implement the solution and validate it,” he added.