Government is expected to improve national rice policy by among others integrating policy and providing fresh budget for the rice distribution of government price and rice under the management of Logistics Body (Bulog).
This recommendation was expressed by alumni of Faculty of Agriculture UGM in an Alumni Gathering on Sunday (23/9) on campus to celebrate the Faculty’s 72nd anniversary.
The event was attended by hundreds of alumni including former head of Bulog, Ir. Sutarto Alimoeso, professor from IPB, Prof. Dr. Dwi Andreas Santosa, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture UGM, Dr. Jamhari Hadipranoto, UGM agriculture professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwidjono Hadidarwanto, Prof. Dr. Ir. Didik Indradewa, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhuri, and UNS professor, Prof. Dr. Ir Suntoro, and Dean of Faculty of Agriculture UNS, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Pujiasmanto, D
Dr. Jamhari said if it was difficult to allocate fresh budget, the food subsidy budget needs to be returned. This all would be made easier if programmes are integrated. “So, there needs to be new regulations or amended regulations in the distribution of social cash assistance related to Presidential Regulation No. 63 Year 2017,” he said in a release received on Monday (24/9).
Jahmari announced another recommendation made in the gathering was the production of single rice data which is accurate. In terms of rice imports, government and Bulog need to refer to three things, namely national rice production, price, and stock.
“The stock needs to always be calculated for one year’s demand and an extra of 2-3 months. Bulog and government ought to also carefully calculate the rice stock and production,” he said.
Evaluation of rice import, he said, needs to be done, too, everytime by observing the Bulog’s rice supplies. Another thing is to set up the National Food Agency to resolve the problem of coordination between rice agencies as well as on policy. Still another recommendation, government agencies are expected to work in synergy.
“The policy that is made ought to lead to people’s welfare, particularly farmers,” he concluded.