Graduate Students Association UGM held National Health Seminar on Saturday (9/29) at Auditorium of Graduate School UGM. The topic was ‘Improving the Life Quality of Stroke Patients with Interprofessional Comprehensive Management of Strategies for Achieving SDGs’. The seminar was attended by Yogyakarta academics in medicine.
Pandu Dwi Panular, event chairman, stated the topic was selected because stroke patient handling required more than one profession. “They need interdisciplinary collaboration to cure the disease completely,” he said.
According to Pandu, it was because there were many aspects to consider in handling stroke patients such as promotive, preventive, rehabilitative aspects, etc. Therefore, medical professionals are not the only one needed here.
The topic was also related to the third point of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, which is ‘Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’.
Zaidan Zikri Malam, student association head, argued that the United Nations perceived health as one of the prominent issues, as evidenced by its position in the third place out of the seventeen points.
For that reason, he continued, the seminar elaborated issues in stroke with SDGs. “This program is aimed for mitigating stroke. Then, we also strive to build inter-professional collaboration and make it as a great strength for handling stroke.”
Agus Hartono, S.E., M.Ec.Dev., UGM Secretary of Student Affairs Directorate, admitted this issue was important to discuss. He shared his experience taking care of his sibling and parents who suffered a stroke.
“Stroke patients are more emotionally unstable than healthy people. So, I agree with interprofessional collaboration because it may speed up the recovery process,”
He hoped the seminar would further improve the management of stroke patients. “For all participants, please kindly share this knowledge to people around you,” he concluded.