International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) hosted International Symposium on Communicating Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies to the Public from 1-5 October 2018 in Vienna International Centre (VIC), Vienna, Austria. It aims to promote effective communication to the public related to radiological and nuclear emergencies.
As many as 382 participants from 90 nations share experiences and knowledge and extend the networks of related stakeholders. IAEA invited nuclear and media experts and young generation to take part in the prestigious event.
Two UGM students, Iqbal Azis Romadhon (Physics 2014) and Luqman Hasan Nahari (Nuclear Engineering 2016) were selected to join the symposium as representatives of the young nuclear professionals for the future where they learn the perspective of good and effective communication on radiological and nuclear emergencies.
Keynote speakers came from the US, Finland, China, Japan, France, Israel, Morocco, Argentine, the Netherlands, etc. Organisations that were present in the event include World Health Organization (WHO), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD NEA), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Russian Federation, European Commision, etc.
Iqbal presented a paper entitled Communicating the Clarity in Indonesian Community through Social Media Platform: YouTube, collaborating with Riskha Adelia Nurinda (Agroindustrial Technology ‘14) and Priscillia Asoka (Communications ‘15). The paper was presented in the form of interactive poster on Wednesday (3/10).
“One of the outputs of the paper is a video discussing the myths and rumours related to nuclear energy in Indonesia which can be accessed through ugm.id/CNREP2018. We welcome the enthusiasm and feedbacks to the paper,” he said.
Iqbal and Luqman hoped after the event they both can contribute the knowledge they had gained to Indonesia. “We hope we can contribute by sharing radiological and nuclear emergencies knowledge and implement them here in the future,” Iqbal concluded.