Biogas Power Plant Gamping in Gemah Ripah market is a biogas pilot project that is established to process fruit waste into biogas and reduce the waste amount at the Piyungan landfill. The Gemah Ripah market can finally obtain the biogas for electricity and heat.
The project is a collaboration between three parties, Gemah Ripah Gamping cooperative, Waste Refinery Center UGM, and Sleman regency government. It is built to achieve the zero waste goals by using slurry digester rich in microbes and fertiliser components for plants.
On Friday (26/10) an event was held to celebrate the success of the project, facilitated by Community Service Directorate UGM as part of the appropriate technology grants. A talk show was held to explain the production process of biogas by Haris Joni from WRC FT UGM, sharing session between trainee students and biogas operator, Ari Hermawan, as well as a Tour de Plant to see the biogas process, followed by harvesting the biogas session.
Ria Millati, Ph.D. added the slurry that had not been applied into plants was now used to make liquid organic fertilisers for vegetables grown in the biogas area.
Meanwhile, Dr-Ing Teguh Ariyanto, Deputy Coordinator of Waste Refinery Center UGM, said this event was an initiation to the edupark development of Biogas Power Plant Gamping. They have received many visits from government or education institutions.
“There are always requests being made for research and apprenticeship. So, edupark development is an addition to the biogas plant to be more useful in terms of renewable energy science development,” he said.