Universitas Gadjah Mada conducted free circumcision events and distribute healthcare services cards to underprivileged people living around UGM campus and Academic Hospital. This marks the 69th anniversary of UGM which is done at the auditorium of the hospital on Monday (17/19).
Event committee chairman, Taufikur Rahman, said this social event was regularly held prior to the anniversary celebration on 19 December. It also promotes healthcare services at the UGM Hospital that can be accessed by the local residents. “We want the residents to keep fit by promoting UGM and healthcare services,” he said.
He said there were 53 children joining the event and 30 families from Kronggahan receiving the healthcare services card. They can later have direct access to the UGM Hospital. “In addition, there are 53 children from Kronggahan and other districts in Yogyakarta taking part in the free circumcision event,” he said.
On the healthcare services card, said Taufik, they collaborated with RZIS UGM so that the underprivileged people around UGM can have access to pharmacists and health facilities at UGM Hospital for free. “This program has run since 2010, already there are 361 residents who have received the cards. Principally, we want to cover the medical treatment expenses that are not covered by their health security plan,” he said.
The UGM Hospital Director, dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D., Sp.K (K)., said they collaborated with the RZIS and Sharia Mandiri Bank. As many as eight doctors and other paramedics were deployed to circumcise the children. “To circumcise the 53 children, we estimate it to last for about three hours,” he said.
The free healthcare services for those with UGM healthcare services card, according to Arief, were expected to benefit the residents. “We hope the 30 families can make good use of the UGM healthcare card,” he said.
Kronggahan village chief, Antok Sudadi, welcomed the cards for the residents. Antok said during this time they found it difficult to access the facilities at the hospital while they live around the hospital. “Many residents have complained about the regulations that ask them to have a treatment first at other hospitals. Now with this card they can use the health facilities at the UGM Hospital,” he said.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng.,D.Eng., said the free circumcision and health care card distribution were part of UGM care towards underprivileged families who live around the campus. He also appreciated some children coming from more distant areas that join the event. Later he persuaded the children to brave the surgery by telling them they would soon recover.
On the healthcare card, said the Rector, it could be used by the holders to complement the health security card they already possessed. “This can can complement the health security card in terms of payment as well as direct access to UGM hospital facilities,” he said.