A tsunami following the eruption of Mt. Anak Krakatau on the Sunda Strait has hit Banten and Lampung coastal areas on Saturday (22/12). The two meter high waves has killed at least 429 people and injured 1,485 others. As many as 16,082 people have been displaced as a result.
To respond to that disaster, KAGAMACare came to the site to give aid like they had done to Lombok and Palu recently. Sulastama Raharja, KAGAMACare representative, said a team of assessment consisting of 5 volunteers had come to check the condition in South Lampung.
“This team will prepare the aid station, work programme, and logistics distribution on the site,” he said.
He added that KAGAMACare had done a fundraising event among UGM alumni on social media. The funds will be sent to KAGAMA Lampung for distribution.
KAGAMACare also partnered with others from international links, namely Global Medical Canada and Indopeduli Adelaide. They will send volunteers and equipment to the area. In addition, KAGAMACare teamed up with UGM Disaster Response Unit (DERU) to send more volunteers there.
Sulastama said this was a form of solidarity of UGM alumni as part of Indonesian nation. He hoped the humanitarian aid would help the survivors to be reawakened.
“Hopefully the people who survive remain strong and resilient in the post-disaster events. The government and volunteers will work as hard as they can to help and enlighten their burden. We want them not to lose hope,” he said.