Vice-Rector of Research and Community Service UGM, drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D., said Universitas Gadjah Mada had to give services to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by integrating resources both institutional or research product technology downstreaming to society. This will impact on the improvement of their quality.
“In countries like China, Portugal, Pakistan, USA and European countries, the involvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the provision of supporting products such as manufacture industry is also supported by government,” said Ika Dewi Ana in book compilation, Key Performance Indicators of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, at UC UGM on Tuesday (16/4).
The goal of the book compilation is to make it as a reference for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises players in Indonesia so they can devise strategic steps for their business.
It will include 12 aspects of work performance which consist of Production, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Quality Assurance, Branding and Labelling, Marketing, Financial Management, Institutional, Capitals and Financial Literacy, Human Resource, Character and Behaviour, Permit and Village Business Endeavours.
Ika hoped Universitas Gadjah Mada would be able manage the matter integratedly and focused on certification and permit services.
Ika said certification services could be done through LsPro at LPPT UGM. Besides, network expansion with ministries ought to be done soon for the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
“A roadmap of services needs to be made, integrating standardisation, research and certification of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with UGM being at the centre,” she said.