Geological Engineering UGM conducts International Summer Field Course in Geosciences (ISFCG) 2019 in collaboration with Georesources and MaterialEngineering RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Geological Engineering Department UNDIP, Physics Department UGM, Civil Engineering and Environment Department UGM, and Master in Disaster Management UGM.
As many as 33 participants came from Asian countries, such as Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Vietnam and Germany in addition to 13 Indonesian participants.The event runs from 15 – 27 July 2019.
Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., Rector of UGM, opening the ISFCG 2019 on Monday (15/7) at Balairung UGM said it was appropriate for Indonesia to host the event due to its location on the Ring of Fire and the plenty number of volcanoes and faults it has.
Panut said the event was not only to share geoscience knowledge but also building networks. He further hoped the event would open collaboration opportunities in the future in other areas.
Participants will do field courses. While in Yogyakarta, the participants will make visits to UGM, Mt. Merapi, Goa Pindul and Kali Suci karst areas, and Borobudur Temple. In Semarang they will visit UNDIP, Brown Canyon, Jatibarang Dam, and Klaten. Afterwards, they will do a hydrology trip to Pasuruan city in East Java, Mt. Bromo, and visits to Surabaya city.