Rector of UGM has launched Health Promoting University (HPU) programme during the Lustrum XIV event on Friday (19/7) at Balairung UGM.
The programme is one of the efforts made by UGM to achieve a healthy campus for all its academic community.
“In this programme we design on how to manage the university, conducting our vision and mission that produce activities which make us healthy mentally and physically,” said Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU.
In his remarks Panut said that currently universities were expected to help promote a healthy lifestyle and make the campus a healthy environment.
The HPU initiation is expected to encourage a healthy lifestyle that can impact on the wider community.
“We hope that with healthy environment, lifestyle, and activities, our health condition may also improve,” he said.
Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Prof. Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, MSi, PhD. called on the academic community to attend physical exercises regularly at faculties in addition to having a good diet.
“Exercise everyday if possible. Besides, try to have 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit every day,” she said.
In this programme, UGM teams up with Mahidol University which is the representation of HPU at ASEAN level through Twin Center programme.
The Twin Center HPU programme aims at developing university model between UGM and Mahidol University that promote health at ASEAN, increasing joint publications and communities, and developing standardised healthy campus at UGM.
Through the Twin Center HPU, UGM is expected to be a center of excellence for healthy campuses.
Meanwhile, the Lustrum XIV or 70th anniversary of UGM this year will be marked with academic and non-academic events to run until December.
The theme of the event is Academic Innovation in the Framework of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to Enhance Nation’s Competitiveness with the tagline Innovating Education, Strengthening Our Nation.
“The spirit of this event is to be inclusive. We run events not just for us but also but also for the nation,” said event committee chairman, Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M.