The Department of Anthropology of Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM opens the 7th International Symposium on Antropologi Indonesia Journal (ISJAI) on Tuesday (23/7) morning at the 7th Floor Auditorium of Soegondo Building, UGM. This event will be held from 23rd-26th of July, 2019.
ISJAI is a symposium initiated by the Antropologi Indonesia Journal of the Department of Anthropology, Universitas Indonesia, which was first held in year 2000. Yet, with an objective to spread and share knowledge, as well as experience, the organization always moves to other universities in Indonesia. Therefore, this year UGM Anthropology was appointed to be the host.
The series of events of the 7th ISJAI began with an opening by the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., and the Rector of UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met. The event is continued by a speech by Governor Sultan Hamengku Buwono X conveyed by Gatot Saptadi, the Regional Secretary of Yogyakarta Province.
This ISJAI is unlike the previous ones, which had specific themes to be appointed. The organization of this year’s symposium tries to reflect the contribution of anthropology community in solving the national disintegration issues.
It is reflected in the speech of two keynote speakers that morning, Prof. Webb Keane, from the University of Michigan and Prof. Irwan Abdullah from UGM. The two raised the theme of disintegration in countries that are almost similar, yet discussed with different perspectives.
Prof. Webb discusses the dimension of ethics of political conflicts and relations among systems of ethics, religion, and economy. Meanwhile, Prof. Irwan discusses the occurrence of sectarianism, the failure of multiculturalism, and the future of nation-state. As a professor in UGM Anthropology, Prof. Irwan also highlights how political sciences and anthropology can solve the said humanitarian issues.
Other than the speeches of the keynote speakers, the topic is also discussed in the panel forum organized routinely. As many as 180 papers will be presented in the panel forum.
Besides, this year’s event is completed with a Traditional and Cultural Arts Festival. This festival is aimed to re-introduce Indonesia’s traditional culture to the public, specifically to the participants of the symposium who came from different countries. A wide range of cultural performances including culinary display, dances, up to traditional music will be exhibited.