Faculty of Animal Science UGM helped develop animal husbandry in Bangka Barat regency. A team from UGM visited Muntok area, led by Dr.Ir. Bambang Suwignyo, MP, IPM, Vice-Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Ir. Sigit Bintara, MS, IPM, Director of Animal Husbandry Development Centre UGM, Dr. Siti Andarwati, MP, and Dr. Rio Olympias S, M.Sc.
According to Bambang Suwignyo, they had studied the area for 2 months and found the potential of animal husbandry. Bambang said for example grass potential from the oil palm plantation would feed 61,000 cattle or equals to 46,000 cows or 77,000 goats.
“The development potential in the past 5 years has been increasing that ensures the integration of oil palm and cattle, supported by regulations, will accelerate such development,” said Bambang in a release on Wednesday (31/7).
Meanwhile, Dr. Sigit Bintara said industrial growth related to animal husbandry sector like feedmill with raw materials coming from oil palm industrial product would complement economic drive in animal husbandry sector. Hence, community capacity enhancement is required to develop such potential.
“Content delivery related to skills or vision to the community of Bangka Barat is optimised by agricultural trainers in the area,” said Sigit.
Head of Bangka Barat Planning and Development Agency, Drs. Muhammad Soleh, expected the visit made by the UGM team would be followed up by the local government.