As many as 400 participants have completed Vocational School Graduate Academy (VSGA) programme running from 1-31 July at Vocational School UGM. It is part of Digital Talent Scholarship programme initiated by Communications and Informatics Ministry to prepare human resources in technology.
“Digital Talent Scholarship is organised as one of programmes of excellence to build human resources in digital technology,” said Head of Human Resource Development in the Ministry, Zulkarnain, in the closing ceremony of VSGA on Wednesday (31/7) at the School’s Library.
The Digital Talent Scholarship has four categories of training and certification, which are Fresh Graduate Academy, Vocational School Graduate Academy, Coding Teacher Academy, and Online Academy. It is a collaboration with 30 universities and 23 polytechniques across Indonesia.
The VSGA programme running at UGM focuses on competence improvement of vocational school graduates that have yet to seek jobs. There are 4 training areas offered here: Junior Graphic Designer, Junior Web Developer, Junior Mobile Programmer, and Intermediate Animator. The 72-hour programme consists of offline training, add ons, competence testing, and certification which is based on the SKKNI by the LSP.
“All the participants have done competence testing and as high as 98 percent proved to be competent. We hope the programme would benefit the human resource quality in Indonesia,” said Zulkarnain. He added that the Ministry was trying to create a balanced ecosystem in maximising the triple-helix (government, private sector, and education institutions) roles to be facilitator and accelerator of digital economy.
Dean of the School, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., said the material for the training had been designed in line with digital technology development and industrial needs. The participants are expected to be an individual able to compete in the digital era and adjust to the work market. Their competence is expected to improve so it can reduce unemployment rate and meet the skilled human resource needs in technology.
“The material that we designed is current. The participants need to show that they pass competence testing. This should be able to reduce the unemployment rate,” he concluded.