Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM, Prof. Dr. drh. Isrina Oktavia Salasia, said they would establish an international scale research centre and One Health education institution through teaching hospital for big and small animals and integrated teaching farms at the Faculty. These are needed to respond to the global demand.
“Improvement of research infrastructure quality is asked by international accrediting agency ASIIN in 2019,” said Isrina Oktavia Salasia in a seminar, To Build and Implement One Health Concept on Campus, at the end of July at UGM. According to Isrina, such hospital and Veterinary Diagnostic Lab were the implementation of the One Health concept in supporting public health improvement.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto, Vice-Rector of Human Resource and Asset, said the construction of these infrastructures was a priority of UGM.
Meanwhile, Director General of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., supported the idea. He said the presence of such hospital and labs were important to education and services of veterinary health and it can contribute to Academic Health System(AHS) that has been rolled out previously, involving the Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry and Health Ministry. “The presence of Veterinary Teaching Hospital can play a role towards the Academic Health System,” said Ali Gufron.
Expert in Veterinary Health of UGM, Dr. Widagdo Sri Nugroho, said the One Health concept was a multidisciplinary collaborative effort between human health, veterinary health and ecosystems, including the wild life. An important aspect in controlling agents of human, veterinary health and environment is the development of science based risk management that is supported by regulations. A good surveillance should cover a strong laboratory, infrastructure, and supporting resources. Such system will enhance the concept of a holistic disease handling right from the base, also regionally and globally.
“I think the development of One Health infrastructure on campus needs to be done soon,” he said.