Singaporean Minister of Culture, Community and Youth, Grace Fu, visited UGM on Monday (19/8).
Minister Grace had a tour around UGM campus. She was welcomed by Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., Vice-Rectors, and Directors at the Main Office. Afterwards, Minister Fu had a discussion with UGM on current cooperation and shared views on problems facing both parties, including ways to enhance the ties between Singaporean and Indonesian young people. Themes discussed in the meeting were higher education, culture and youth development.
Minister Fu appreciated the welcome from UGM, hoping that the cooperation with UGM would sustain. She also hoped for other cooperation to emerge in the future, particularly regarding youth issues and education.
Rector of UGM shared this view. He said there were still many other sectors that can produce cooperation. “I would like to thank the Minister for the visit to UGM. The door is always open for the Minister and staff,” said Panut.