Universitas Gadjah Mada has received the visit by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). JICA delegates consisted of Tomoyuki Naito and Takashi Kondo and JICA Indonesia Takatoi and Sayuri Uematsu. They were accepted by Vice-Rector of Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr, at UGM Conference Room on Tuesday (3/9), accompanied by Dean of Vocational School. They discussed infrastructure and facility construction in Kulon Progo regency, which include building, equipment, and training.
Djagal said JICA is a partner of UGM and Indonesia in construction development in the country and also the world.
“For Jogja, JICA will help UGM develop Kulon Progo regency in order that the regency can flourish in the future,” he said after the meeting.
He added JICA programme was for empowerment through science and technology.
In the visit JICA wanted to see the location, the concept and phases designed by UGM, and community empowerment possibilities by building construction in the regency.
JICA later surveyed the location where they met with the regional government of Kulon Progo and went to the areas to be a joint project between UGM, JICA, Kulon Progo local government, and society.
Meanwhile, Naito in the meeting explained the presence and importance of FabLab for establishing the cooperation. FabLab is designed based on need and potential of the area in concern.