As many as 11 universities from 7 Asian and European countries discuss assessment of research impact and quality in 3 countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.
The conference held at Master and Doctoral Programme of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM lasted from 4-5 September 2019. The universities include UGM, UII, University of Economics Bratislava, Warsaw School of Economics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Matej Bel University Slovakia.
Programme chairperson, Nurul Indarti, Ph.D., said the conference was part of the activities of Erasmus and Repesea consortium that lasted for three years. At the end of the consortium they discussed training modules for young researchers and assessment improvement of research performance.
“For three years, the consortium has produced soft skills learning modules of which 6 modules are applied in training by inviting researchers from Thailand, Slovakia and Czechia,” said Nurul to reporters on Wednesday (4/8) on campus.
Nurul added the conference would also give input to the government on modules of research quality assessment and learning in higher education.
Anneta Caplanova, Project Coordinator of Repesea, Slovakia, said she appreciated the results of the consortium, hoping that the Repesea project would contribute to research quality improvement in Southeast Asia. “We hope there will be instrument improvements in research performance assessment,” she said.
Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Fathul Wahid, said the conference participants agreed that there had been good improvements in research activities in the country, but this had not been followed by improvement of research quality and impact on academic development and community service.
“We will submit the results of the conference to the policy makers regarding assessment of performance and impact of research,” he concluded.