Use of renewable energy in Denmark presently is large or over 40 percent of the total energy supplies.
Thomas Capral Henriksen (Head of Energy Cooperation, the Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia) said it was not easy to change into renewable energy use among the Danish people. It took 40 years to ask the people to use that energy as a national movement and awareness.
Thomas Capral said during the National Seminar titled Potential Development of Renewable Energy in Indonesia to Achieve Target of Renewable Share in Its Energy Mix to 23 Percent by 2025, in Crystal Lotus Hotel, Yogyakarta, on Sunday (15/9).
Capral further explained the Danish national policy and realisation of renewable energy, explaining the management of wind power energy and cooperation with the Indonesian government on the matter.
The Seminar was organised by the Nuclear and Physics Engineering Student Association of UGM. Besides Thomas Capral Henriksen, the seminar invited speakers Harris, S.T., M.T. (Director of New Energies and Renewable Energy in the Energy Ministry, and Dr. Suparman (Head of Centre for Nuclear Energy System Studies of BATAN), with lecturer Ahmad Agus Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., being the moderator.
Harris added the use of renewable energy in Indonesia was much required. He also described the resources and government support to the development to achieve the 2025 goals.
Meanwhile, Suparman spoke on the potential of using nuclear power plants and challenges.
The seminar marked the end of the EPSILON 2019 event, which was a scientific writing paper contest and Olympiad of Mathematics and Physics EPSILON (OMICRON) event for students from around Indonesia. The winners from university category were Wargatiga (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Man Jadda Wa Jada (Universitas Sriwijaya), and Tres Pueros (Institut Teknologi bandung).
The winners from high school category were Biling (SMA Al Hikmah Surabaya), Kumara Smanela (SMA Negeri 5 Denpasar, and MA Negeri 3 Banyuwangi. Meanwhile, in the Olympiad, winners were MA Negeri 2 Malang, SMA Kolese De Britto Yogyakarta and SMA Negeri 9 Yogyakarta.