Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) researchers consisting of Dr. Mardhani Riasetiawan (chairman) with members Yunita Sari, Ph.D, Guntur Budi Herwanto, M.Cs, Bambang Nurcahyo Prastowo, M.Sc, Isna Alfi Bustoni, MT and Indra Hidayatullah, MT (UNY) have developed an automatic essay scoring application based on artificial intelligence. It is named as ukara (website: ukara.ai).
The application runs by processing student’s answer dataset in the form of sample essays of national examinations. With the application, the dataset is processed through correcting typing errors, word relations, and context.
“All will be processed furthermore with the data labelled by experts to form a certain model. This model is then made as an AI modelling to score other essays answers automatically,” said Madhani Riasetiawan at UGM on Monday (14/10).
To follow up, the team from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM through Natural Language (nlp.mipa.ugm.ac.id) research group on Monday conducted a seminar on the results of the Automatic Essay Scoring development. The event is funded by Education and Culture Ministry. Speakers who were invited to the seminar include Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit (PERBANAS) and Dr. Rahmawati (Education and Culture Ministry). Both gave their suggestions to the development of Ukara in the future.
According to the speakers, Ukara would be made a platform for the Ministry to be a baseline for scoring and helping ease assessments of essay based national exams.
During the seminar a competition was presented by four teams, followed by dissemination and evaluation of the automatic essay scoring to get feedback from the participants.
The seminar was opened by Vice-Dean, Dr.rer-nat Nurul Hidayat Aprilita, and was attended by Computer Science and Electronics Department UGM Head, Drs. Agus Harjoko, Ph.D., and Dean of Faculty of Engineering UGM, Prof. Nizam.