UGM has earned the title of ‘informative’ in terms of public information ranking done by Central Information Commission. This title is the highest to be given to a public agency in terms of public information services.
The award was presented by Vice-President, K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, to Rector of UGM on Thursday (21/11) at the Vice-Presidential Palace in Jakarta.
“This is a form of commitment of UGM to run a transparent and accountable university management,” said Head of Public Relations and Protocol Office UGM, Dr. Iva Ariani, S.S., M.Hum,.
Public Information Openness Award is granted to public agencies that have shown commitment in implementing information openness based on monitoring and evaluation activities.
This year monitoring and evaluation has been done to 355 public agencies through questionnaires with the indicator of website development related to Information and Documentation Management Officers and announcement of public information that allows public information to be accessed quickly and easily by users.
The Information Commission further gave final assessments which are 5 qualifications: informative, towards informative, adequately informative, less informative, and not informative.
UGM is one of the five state universities in all 85 state universities that earn the ‘informative’ title, along with Institut Pertanian Bogor, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Brawijaya, and Universitas Negeri Padang.
In his report, Chairman of the Commission, Gede Narayana, said the number of public agencies that earned ‘not informative’ was 53.24 percent of all 355. The number of agencies earning the ‘informative’ title has indeed increased in 2019 than before, but insignificantly.
In total, the participatory rate of public agencies has increased from 62.83 percent in 2018 to 74.37 percent. Following is the rate of participation of each public agency: State university 92.94 percent, state owned enterprises 55.96 percent, non-structural agencies 42.11 percent, non-government agencies 78.26 percent, provincial government 85.29 percent, ministries 100 percent, and political parties 100 percent.
Gede Narayana expected all leaders of public agencies who supervise Information and Documentation Management Officers as implementers of public information services to make information openness a culture.
“If public agency leaders have made public information a culture, automatically their mindset is to give the best information services to the public,” he said.
He noted the high rate of the ‘not informative’ public agencies ought to make the Commission work more actively in encouraging the implementation of information openness in the country.