Palangka Raya municipal government through its Culture and Tourism Agency conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for tourism development of Kereng Bangkirai area on Wednesday (27/11), collaborating with Centre for Tourism Studies UGM.
Palangka Raya Mayor through development economy expert staff, Murni Djinu, highlighted the need of tourism development of Palangka Raya. According to Murni, tourism sector had influence on the regional revenues remembering the municipality has 259,865 population and an area measured 2,678.51 km sq.
“Going forward, we expect this study can be used for policy making in the tourism sector for Palangka Raya,” said Murni.
Acting Head of Culture and Tourism of Palangka Raya, Norma Hikmah, said Kereng Bangkirai spot was a tourism village in Palangka Raya. They expected that with Kereng Bangkirai winning second place award nationally, financial support would come from the central government for such tourism development.
She said the Agency would not be able to do it all by themselves, they need the support from the Centre for Tourism Studies UGM and other related agencies.
“No less important is the support from the tourism industry players, Association of Indonesia Tour and Travel in Central Kalimantan, Association of Hotels and Restaurants, tourism groups, guides association, as well as managers of the adjacent Sabangau National Park,” said Norma.
Researchers conducting the research into Palangka Raya are Destha Titi Raharjana, S.Sos., M.Si, Esti Cemporaningsih, S.T., M.Si dan Nissa Larasati.