Themed Innovation in Agrotechnology to Support National Sovereignty, an annual event, Industry Research Forum 2019, was officially opened by Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng, IPU, ASEAN Eng., in AMG Tower, Surabaya, East Java, on Thursday (5/11).
The Forum has been organised to drive opportunities for agricultural researchers and innovators of UGM to get information on policy and programme from government and ministries, as well as to discuss with business partners.
The Rector hoped the Forum would spur synergy to enhance research, policy, and production in agricultural industry. “The Forum for partnership between industry and researchers need to always be encouraged due to the dynamics in agriculture, related to food fulfillment, herbal medicinal plant cultivation, climate change, and environmentally friendly agriculture,” he said.
He said the academic research would not be useful if not implemented by the industry. On the other hand, the industry that knows the real dynamics in society needs the help of university and research centres to resolve basic problems or those that need implementation.
Hence, through Industry Research Forum 2019 UGM as a world research university took the initiative in finding a solution to the problems. An example of the cooperation is the seedling research between UGM and PT East West Seed Indonesia, with the establishment of Genetics Bank research centre. This research is unique as it engages thousands of UGM students that do Student Community Service across Indonesia. They collected local horticulture seeds to be sent to the Genetics Bank.
Another example is between UGM and PT Ciomas Adisatwa that helped build Post-Harvest Laboratory which is an industrial scale chicken slaughter house. Here members of academic community can study and do research in chicken industry.
“Obviously, this partnership is supported by the local government with the issuance of permits, thus, all is benefitting, whether the university, industry, and local government,” he said.
The Rector added that incentives were also needed, such as tax deduction that can encourage the industry collaboration with the university.
Event chairman, Susilohadi, S.Si.,M.Si., Ph.D., said the Forum was an annual forum to bring together researchers/innovators, industry, and government. This time it specifically discussed seed industry, fertilisers and feed, IOT for agriculture, machinery, industry incubators, and post-harvest processing industry.
Susilohadi added as many as 43 participants joining the forum from 25 companies and state-owned enterprises. In addition, 32 researchers from UGM and 8 universities in East Java and overseas also participated.
“This is an opportunity to learn about real problems and help find solutions to them. This way, research from UGM can significantly give contributions to agricultural industry and increase in welfare,” he said.
Signing of an agreement was also held alongside the event between UGM and PT Samator, and UGM and PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero).