Again, UGM fielded 57 KKN students to synergize the community service program in the field of disaster on Tuesday (21/1) yesterday afternoon. Earlier on Friday (17/1), the UGM Disaster Response Unit (DERU) volunteer team had also been deployed to Lebak, Banten. The two teams went down there aiming to help recovery after the flood. During the process, they will collaborate with UGM alumni who are considered as the members of KagamaCare.
The UGM KKN-PPM Disaster Care program is focused on the Calang Bungur and Bungur Mekar Villages in Sajira Sub-District and Sukasari and Haurgajlok Villages in Cipanas Sub-District. Based on the plan, 57 students will be divided into two teams to be placed on each districts.
UGM KKN PPM in Sajira District will be guided by Dr. Fritriana from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM. The team consists of 28 students. While UGM KKN PPM students in Cipanas District will be guided by Sutono, S.Kep., M.Kes from the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health (FKKMK) UGM. The team consists of 29 students.
The participants of the 2020 Disaster Care Community Service Program from the Economics and Business Faculty, Philosophy, Geography, Law, Cultural Sciences, Medicine, Forestry, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Psychology, Vocational Schools and Engineering. Students and the supervisor will carry out activities together with volunteers and the community from January 21, 2020 to February 19, 2020.
In his remarks, Director of Community Service, Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, M. Eng., Ph.D., said that the important role of students in following up on disaster events is to educate the society to be prepared to deal with disasters. According to him, this disaster has not yet over because based on predictions from BMKG, rainfall is still possible to return into more threatened rain.
In addition, Irfan also advised students to always work together with other teams there, both from UGM or other teams. That is because under these circumstances, we cannot act alone. As the field supervisor, dr. Fitriana and Sutono, S.Kep., M.Kes., will take more roles in following up health care and trauma healing.
“I hope the KKN-PPM program from UGM remains an example and can inspire other universities. Congratulations on serving the people of Lebak. May all be safe and sounds. Then, at the time when we have to return to campus, hopefully we can bring experience and greater empathy than before, “she concluded. (Humas UGM/Sasa)