Innaccurate news spread everywhere. In recent times, the news of saltwater gargling (NaCl) can ward off Covid-19 widely circulated through social media and WhatsApp. From the results of a private trial of a resident, the effort was carried out by putting a little salt in the mouth and swallowing slowly.
UGM specialist in internal medicine, dr. RM. Agit Sena Adisetiadi, Sp.PD., said that viral information about gargling saltwater against Covid-19 was wrong. Saltwater gargling cannot prevent Covid-19 infection.
“There is no medical evidence that explains that this can help prevent Covid-19,” he explained on Monday (27/4)
Gargling or drinking warm water with a mixture of salt or vinegar has long been used by people in the country as a way to relieve symptoms associated with flu and sore throat. Nevertheless, he emphasized once again; this method would not protect you from Covid-19.
Drinking enough water about 2 liters or 8-9 glasses per day is one step to maintaining a healthy body. Besides, it also prevents dehydration.
According to him, adhering to the Covid-19 preventive health protocol is the primary effort that must be made to avoid transmission of the virus. Some of them such as washing hands with 70 percent soap or alcohol, keeping a distance, avoiding crowds, wearing masks, and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A