UGM Academic Hospital (RSA) UGM obtained the aids of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other medical materials from the Indonesian Red Cross DIY to support the handling of Covid-19 in the DIY region. The Deputy Governor of DIY, Paku Alam X, as Chair of the DIY PMI Honorary Board, directly handed them to the Director of UGM RSA, dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D., on Monday (4/5) at the PMI DIY office.
The commander of the Covid-19 UGM Task Force, Rustamadji, told reporters that support from PMI was in the form of 50 pieces of PPE, 100 N95 masks, 600 pieces of surgical masks, and 288 bottles of hand sanitizer. “The contribution provided from PMI is quite a lot of vitamins,” Rustamadji said on Tuesday (5/5).
According to Rustamaji, PPE aid and medical materials are intended for allied health who work in hospitals pertaining to the handling of the covid pandemic in DIY. These actions are a form of support for caring and treating covid patients. “This aid, hopefully, is able to support the work of medical personnel,” he said.
Besides UGM Hospital, Rustamadji said, similar aids also contributed to six other Covid-19 referral control hospitals, namely Sardjito Hospital, Bhayangkara Hospital, Bethesda Hospital, Panti Rapih Hospital, Harjolukito Hospital, and JIH Hospital. “Besides, those were also distributed to regional public hospitals in 5 cities and regencies in DIY,” he added.
PPE aid and medical materials obtained from the Charity Foundation of PT Natural Indonesia (NASA). Those were given symbolically by the Deputy Governor of DIY, Paku Alam X, as the Chairperson of the DIY PMI Honorary Board to the Hospital Director’s representative.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A