As the UGM Community Service Period 6 (Handling Covid-19) began on May 4, 2020, UGM KKN students have started to run the programs actively. One of the plans was the distribution of social aids to villagers who were conducting self-quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic.
On Friday (5/15), there are three students of Hargotirto KKN Unit namely Laras (FKKMK), Stefani (Faculty of Cultural Sciences), and Dinda (Faculty of Cultural Sciences) under the guidance of DPL Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Sc., M.Sc, handed over essential food support from DERU UGM. According to Dwi Umi Siswanti, the recipients of this aid were residents of Hargowilis, Kokap, Kulon Progo. The subsidies are in the form of 18 food packages and several boxes of formula milk for toddlers.
“Beforehand, DERU received support from the Tahir Foundation (Bank Mayapada). We will assist eighteen family heads and six toddlers. They are the closest circle of one of the Hargowilis residents who have attended Ijtima in Gowa,” Dwi said on Sunday (5/17).
The distribution of aid began with a visit of field supervisor from the Hargotirto Community Service Unit to the Jawatan Panewon Kokap on May 6, 2020. Several problems emerged from the visit: the presence of several residents in Hargowilis who were in dire need of assistance.
“Hargowilis is indeed not the location of our Community Service Program, but there is encouragement devotion and empathy drives us here,” Dwi added.
The students accompanied by the Head of Jawatan Sosoal Panewon Kokap, namely Rudiatin, Head of Bibis Village, Covid-19 Volunteer Representative, directly delivered aid to residents of Bibis, Hargowilis who conducted a self-quarantine.
Regarding the Covid-19 handling development in Hargowilis, Ari as a representative of Bibis Village Covid-19 volunteers, said many residents there had been laid off since news of the Covid-19 case emerged. As a result, the economic conditions of citizens have become increasingly severe. Consequently, the volunteers and Covid-19 officers at Hargowilis worked hard to keep reminding and helping residents in dealing with this pandemic so that they remained calm and alert.
“We all still highly expect any supports considering this pandemic has an unpredictable ending,” Ari said.
Author: Satria
Translator: Natasa A