In the emergency situation, data becomes a crucial issue related to policy matters. Data is one of the determining factors in the success of policies and social services.
According to Dr. Arie Sujito, Chair of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at UGM, there is an overlapping in the management of data and data that is not credible enough to be a connoisseur of issues that need attention. Cross-government / government policies and decision making that run with individual data and then propagate to the village and sub-district level will result in ineffective policies.
“Maybe it can cause distrust and controversy with all risks. The threat of policy failure and strategic steps are also vulnerable to agitation,” Arie said on Tuesday (5/19) sick at a spirited discussion on the theme of Datacracy in Emergency Covid-19 related to the Department of Sociology, UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Seeing these conditions, said Arie, people need integrated and consolidated, and accountable data management to make effective policies for the community. Because, if the policy direction often changes raises doubts for many parties.
Arie said that related parties could not use the currently available data could effectively. Almost all ministries/agencies claim the most accurate data owner and have implications that civil society and local government do not have a basis for action.
“There is a temptation to slip into authoritarianism. Improvisations can also be bad because they are too speculative,” Arie said.
Therefore, according to Arie, the data is an exciting challenge for many parties who are required to organize the data based on the citizens’ data management. This Datacracy is a good plan as a way to succeed in life.
“As a journey, it has not yet improved and will continue to evolve according to the flow of change. It is possible to discuss it again. Universities and others need to proceed to discuss as part of a strategic effort to improve the quality of data-based society,” Arie explained.
Meanwhile, Martin Suryajaya added imagined data as governance that is managed privately, without individuals or groups of leaders. Based on data created based on artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) based on data collected from all citizen activities.
“With artificial intelligence, bureaucratism and corruption occur. AI has no personal interests apart from the importance of agreeing on all citizens,” he said.
Martin stressed in a democratic society; there is a question behind the hacking of personal data by the government because the interest groups would utilize it behind the government. But in the database, there is nothing behind the government only machines.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A