The Masters and Doctorate Program of Leadership and Policy Innovation (MDKIK) UGM surveyed people’s thoughts related to the prevention of Covid-19 transmission. The survey conducted on May 26-28 yesterday. There are as many as 492 respondents surveyed through online interviews spread in five districts/cities in DIY. From the survey results, DIY residents agreed that the government performs New Normal regulations accompanied by reopening economic activities and places of worship with strict health protocol standards.
Survey Team Member, Satria Aji Imawan, MPA, said around 60 percent of respondents agreed the government had implemented New Normal health by reopening markets, shops, malls, and places of worship. “More than half of the respondents agreed if there was a decision even though the requirements for the implementation of strict health and hygiene protocols,” Satria Aji told reporters when delivering a webinar survey report on Friday (29/5).
From the survey results, he mentioned that as many as 61.8 percents of respondents agreed to the implementation of the health protocol, 28.5 percent disagreed, and the rest agreed, but the usual protocol. Then, as much as 72.8 percent want the opening of places of worship. “Only 17.5 percent disagreed,” he said.
Besides, respondents also aspire that the Yogyakarta Regional Government also open educational activities in schools and universities by 65 percent, while 74.6 percent want markets and malls to open.
Then, the results of a survey that offered a choice of prevention policy for covid prevention through the implementation of PSBB, New Normal, or Lockdown in DIY. “As many as 66 percents choose PSBB, only 34 percent disagree. The option is more significant than the new normal or lockdown implementation option,” he said.
Citra Sekarjati, MPA, another research member, said the survey was for the observation of residents in DIY related to the Covid-19 outbreak as a New Normal guide area. As is known, the Regional Government of DIY itself does not carry out a Large Scale Social Limitation policy but instead applies the status of the Covid Disaster Response Response.
Responding to the survey results, Professor of Public Policy and Population UGM, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Darwin, said that this survey did not represent all the DIY community groups because it was online interviews. “It means that those who fill out the questionnaire are already technologically literate or are already familiar with the online world while not yet represented by residents who rely on the market,” he said.
However, according to him, this survey is also worthy of consideration by policymakers. At the lower levels, there are still many people who do not heed the standard health protocol Covid-19, such as not using a mask, not keeping a distance and not diligently washing hands. “If left unchecked, our hope that there is a reduction in the incidence of contracting (Covid-19) is challenging, and the government obliges to work decisively on this condition,” he said.
He acknowledged that DIY has not too much incidence rate of people infected with the coronavirus like other regions. There was almost no report of additional patients who are suspected to be corona positive from these three days. However, this does not become a reason for the government to apply strict rules in the field.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photo courtesy: Instagram @mastib_38
Translator: Natasa A