The government is preparing to run a scenario of the New Normal period during the Covid-19 pandemic conditions by opening several sectors. One of them is the education sector, including university institutions.
UGM Vice-Chancellor for Education, Teaching and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., said that preparing this New Normal regulation, UGM has designed a scenario of teaching and learning activities in the new academic year 2020/2021 carried out in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. This scenario is based on predictions when Corona ends in Indonesia and begins to lead a normal life released by the Ejikman Molecular Biology Institute, UGM, UI, Singapore University of Technology and Design, and the government.
From the predictions of the five institutions, there are three significant predictions. They are optimistic, average, and pessimistic when Covid-19 would end in the country. Optimistic projections predict Covid-19 will start to subside in May-June 2020. While average projections predict Covid-19 will end in July-September 2020. Last, pessimistic predictions of the new Covid-19 outbreak will end in December 2020.
“Despite the predictions of the experts, UGM adopted a policy that is a pessimistic, average scenario. Running teaching and learning activities (KBM) in the Covid-19 emergency in July-December 2020,” he explained when contacted on Friday (5/6).
Djagal explained that new student admission activities (PMB) began in June 2020 gradually. Some entrance examinations opened by UGM are computer-based written exams (UTBK), International Undergraduate Program (IUP), and written exams (UTUL). The UTBL and UTUL implementation will be carried out offline or face-to-face at the UGM campus while the IUP test conducted online.
Furthermore, the New Student Success Learning Training (PPSMB) will be held online on September 7-12, 2020. Likewise, lecture activities will still be conducted online from September to October 2020. Then, it will turn into an offline system in November-December 2020.
“For offline lectures, they are for deepening because the material submission would be online,” he explained.
Djagal said that UGM implemented a gradual repopulation policy for students in Semester I in the academic year 2020/2021. This policy regulates students to return to teaching and learning activities on campus gradually.
“We start in June-August 2020 to open a campus only for students who conduct research and final assignments. When on-campus activities must also comply with health protocols by wearing masks, washing hands, keeping a distance, and avoiding crowd,” he explained.
The estimation of the population of students who will carry out research activities and final assignments on campus is 25 percent of the people of S1 students, 50 percent of the people of S2 students, and 30 percent of S3 students.
Djagal stressed that before returning to UGM, students obliged to take a Covid-19 free test from the student’s puskesmas. The Covid-19 free health certificate used for safety signs on the way. Besides, students are also expected to interact with the supervisor regarding the research implementation plan on campus.
After arriving at UGM, students obliged to fill in the SSO Simaster, then do a health check at the GMC clinic, register with Asem Kranji, and enroll in the department or faculty laboratory.
“If there are students who have not completed their the research and final project, they can continue to live on campus in the next semester,” he said.
Starting a new academic year in September-October 2020, students still conduct online lectures. Senior lecturers and junior lecturers support online lecturers. Furthermore, in early November 2020, both old and new students were allowed to enter the campus to undergo offline lectures with Co-19 Free SK. Then, when you arrive at the college, fill in the Simaster SSO, do a health check at the GMC clinic, register with Asem Kranji, and register at the department or faculty laboratory.
Djagal said that only junior lecturers conducted for offline classes. While senior lecturers prefer online lectures because they have a high susceptibility to Covid-19 infection, the offline classes will later be held in compliance with the health protocol. Besides, it would have a shorter time than lectures when there is no outbreak.
“So, in November-December 2020, it is estimated that the population of students undergoing research, final assignments, and offline lectures is as much as 100 percent of the population for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students,” he explained.
Chairman of the UGM 19th Task Force Co Dr. Rusatmadji, M. Kes., said that to welcome students back to study on campus, UGM has prepared facilities and infrastructure that support the prevention of the spread of Covid-19. Among them is providing a place to wash hands in the campus environment, installing banners, officers who continue to socialize to keep their distance, and others.
“We will conduct an assessment with the faculty to prepare for an offline lecture next November. We examine what needs to be done and needed so that the offline course goes according to the health protocol,” he explained.
While in terms of health, UGM also supports efforts to implement rapid tests through GMC campus clinics. This rapid test proposes for students who have symptoms of Covid-19.
Author: Ika
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Natasa A