The recent globalization has caused people to undergo degradation in life. The dynamics of globalization do not bring fresh air to the nation’s life, but conversely, it makes the lives of the Indonesian people go in the opposite direction.
The presence of globalization makes Pancasila’s existence an ideology of nationality undergoing a shift in its values, and many people do not implement it in their daily lives. The diminished understanding and practice of Pancasila’s importance in the life of the nation and state should be a reflection for many parties to strengthen Pancasila as the basis for statehood further.
Prof. Dr. dr. Sutaryo, Sp. A (K), Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM, hopes that many parties will internalize the Pancasila values through the Tri Education Center. The Tri Education Center is a family, community, especially millennials with social media and schools or universities with a level on the revision of the National Education System Law.
“The family, especially mothers, should be given Pancasila education, even though in the past, the PKK activities had Pancasila elements,” he said, in the Pancasila and Culture Webinar: Internalizing Pancasila Value organized by the UGM Professor Council on Friday (5/6).
At the community level, especially concerning millennial generation, said Sutaryo, grounding the Pancasila that must receive attention is a matter of social media (Social Media). According to him, the state must control the use of social media.
While the third Tri-Center is related to the school or college area, Pancasila must be mobilized in this area because education is a state asset in the future. Although education itself has not been as expected since the advent of globalization and leads to market interests.
“This is what the Dutch era used to be in medical education, engineers for the Dutch market. Ki Hadjar Dewantara said, why are we on national education because the reform of the educational revolution must and only for the state and nation not for market share?” he said.
Prof. Djamaluddin Ancok, Ph.D., added that the effort to build nationalism based on the nation’s culture fosters understanding and awareness of factors that interfere with the growth of nationalism. Through education in the household, the community and schools hopefully cultivate a spirit of pride in the nation while respecting other countries.
According to him, global factors are the cause of the weakening of nationalism. At the same time, Indonesia is a country where the community has a collective nature, namely togetherness and cooperation rather than individualistic societies that are characteristic of western nations. Moreover, globalization’s concept of individualism has far away displaced the cooperative nature of society.
“Globalization with free-market jargon has been adopted by the Indonesian state without thinking about the cultural context. Globalization is the efforts of capitalist countries to make third world countries their market for products and to make the wealth of third world countries as a source of production materials, minerals, and inexpensive labor,” he added.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo: Radarkudus, Jawa Pos
Translator: Natasa A