The Faculty of Philosophy is the executant of three compulsory subjects for UGM students, namely the Pancasila, Citizenship, and Religion courses. This thing makes the Faculty of Philosophy play an essential role in developing student character.
“The Faculty of Philosophy has always had lectures linked to righteous character and personality, such as religion, Pancasila, and citizenship. So it is indeed suitable if the Faculty of Philosophy becomes the center of nature and character development of UGM students,” said the chancellor of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M. Eng., D. Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng, Thursday (11/6).
Panut said that character and personality education is crucial in preparing students to pursue careers after completing their education at UGM. For this reason, UGM proceeds to support the development of the Faculty of Philosophy as a center for character development.
“Strong science and good character and personality is the main support of the success in the world of work,” he added.
Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono, said that each class in compulsory lectures held at the Faculty of Philosophy consists of students from various study programs. Therefore, hopefully, there will systematic dialogue is expected, and students between study programs can get to know one another.
“The Faculty of Philosophy invited Professors from various study programs to be present in class to provide material on UGM values consisting of Pancasila and scientific values, as well as UGM identity,” said Arqom.
Besides, the Faculty of Philosophy also organizes lecturers’ Obligatory Curriculum Courses (MKWK), followed by lecturers of the Faculty of Philosophy and other faculties to improve learning methods materials.
“So, not only from students but among lecturers across faculties also build positive relationships and discussions,” he said.
Previously, the UGM Chancellor established the Faculty of Philosophy as an integrity zone within UGM. This determination is relevant to the integrity zone development program in 14 state universities initiated by the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).
The construction of integrity zones in 14 PTNs provided at the faculties chosen by each of the PTN Rectors. One of the programs is to make each campus implement good and clean university governance. Also, to reduce Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN) practice in the campus environment.
Faculties that succeed in building integrity zones will receive the title of Clean Areas from Corruption (WBK) and Clean Serving Bureaucracy Areas (WBBM).
Author: Gloria
Translator: Natasa A