There are a number of parties that keeps spreading their action to help alleviate the Covid-19 pandemic. The UGM Faculty of Pharmacy consistently makes various efforts to help the community in dealing with this pandemic, including proceeding to produce hand sanitizers and viral transfer media.
Moreover, the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy also remains to hand over personal protective equipment (PPE) assistance to health workers in the city of Yogyakarta through the Yogyakarta City Health Service, Sleman Regency (Drug and Medical Devices Management Unit of the Sleman Regency Health Service), and Gunung Kidul Regency (Puskesmas Karangmojo II). The PPEs distributed covered face shields, long sterile gloves, Google, and medical N95 masks.
On the distribution of PPE on June 9, 2020, the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM also handed over the hand-sanitizer support to each of the agencies visited. Dr. rer nat Endang Lukitaningsih, M.Sc., Apt., as Deputy Dean of Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni led The UGM Faculty of Pharmacy team. There are also other participants in the event from Dr. Ika Puspitasari, M.Sc., Apt., As the Chair of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program, Dr. Nunung Yuniarti, SF., M.Sc., Apt., Dr. Adyatmika, M.Biotech., Apt., Dr. Eng. Khadijah, M.Sc., Apt, and M. Novrizal., M.Eng., P.hD., apt.
In Yogyakarta City, parties that received the support packages are drg. Yudiria Amelia as Head of the P2P Office of the Yogyakarta City Health Office as well as the PIC Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Control of the Yogyakarta City Health Service, Dra. Arrosianti Zahrul Falasifah, Apt, Head of Regulation and Health Resources and Drs. Sholihin, Apt, Head of Pharmacy, Medical Devices, and Food Beverages. Meanwhile, for Sleman Regency, parties that received the support package are the Head of POAK Dinkes Sleman, Winarni S.Sc., M. Kes., Apt. Whereas, Purwanti SKM immediately received the assistance to the Karangmojo II Health Center, MM., As the Head of the Karangmojo II Health Center.
“The source of this support comes from the 2020 community service, and this is a form of commitment by the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to alleviate the burden on the society to demolish the chain of distribution of Covid-19,” Endang Lukitaningsih said, at UGM Campus on Friday (12/6).
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A