The UGM student team incorporated in the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Student Chapter (AAPG UGM-SC) has successfully won 2nd place in the AAPG Student Chapter Youtube Video Contest 2020 international competition.
In the competition organized by AAPG, the UGM team submitted a video about the background of Indonesia’s condition from a geoscientist point of view. The creator of the video is Iqbal Wijaya (Geophysics 2019) as the main person in charge, Rifky Wibisana (Geological Engineering 2017) as a scriptwriter, Sarah Rania (Geological Engineering 2019) as the voice actor, Ichwan Daffa (Geological Engineering 2019) as an editor under the guidance of Dr. Ferian Anggara and the support of other UGM-SC AAPG members.
“The video concept raises the background of the condition of Indonesia from a geoscientific perspective, which has a lot of prospects for the future related to the energy sector. Behind that potential there are also challenges that we must encounter, therein, students would explain,” said Chairman of AAPG UGM SC, Krison Valentino on Monday (6/22).
He explained through the video, AAPG UGM-SC tried to consummate this concept through various programs. The orientation of the program developments undertook through answering the existing problems.
“We hope this video could convey the messages to all audiences, especially the younger generation who want to take part in the energy sector in the country,” he said.
Krison further said that in the competition each SC faced the challenge to explain their respective program series that ran in the span of one year back in an exciting and creative video format. In addition to providing an overview of existing activities, the video also made briefly illustrates the profile of SC covering the history of the organization’s establishment to the achievements obtained so far.
International AAPG Student Chapter Youtube Video Contest is an annual competition held since 2012. The competition aims to accommodate the creativity of all AAPG-SC from various universities around the world. In the 2020 competition, the first winner was won by the University of Texas, Dallas, USA, while there was University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India in the third winner. There will be a virtual winner ceremony around the beginning of July 2020.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A