Today on Tuesday (8/9) is the deadline for students to update data on the Integrated Information System (Simaster) account to gain internet 50 GB of quota compensation.
As information, the government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), grants internet quota assistance of 50 GB per month for students. They provide compensation from September-December 2020 to support an online learning implementation or remote learning (PJJ) due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dr. Iva Ariani, as the Head of UGM Public Relations and Protocol, explained that students who want to get internet quota compensation must first register themselves in the Higher Education Database (PD Dikti). Students are required to update data on the Integrated Information System (Simaster) account.
“Students are required to update and verify biodata on Simaster no later than September 8, 2020, at 23.59 WIB,” she explained as she was conveying that the update of student data carried out for the National Diploma Numbering (PIN) preparation.
Students should begin updating and entering the verification code for non-UGM cellular and email numbers on the https://simaster.ugm.ac.id/portal/ page for data updating mechanism. Students can access the method through the Settings Menu and then select Account Data. Internet quota compensation is provided to Indonesian cellular numbers with an active status.
The next step, update and verify personal biodata. Students can update and confirm via the https://simaster.ugm.ac.id/akademik/ page through Menu Akademik and select Student Data.
To expedite the implementation of updating data, students require to prepare and upload several supporting documents. These documents are family cards (KK) or birth certificates, identity cards (KTP), and last diploma or SKL.
“This free internet quota compensation is provided to all students. Hopefully, it can support online learning activities during the pandemic,” he added.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A