Eighteen companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations open job vacancies through the UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020. UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020 will be held online for three days, starting from 15 until 17 September 2020.
UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng. was officially opened for this activity. The UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020 was held in order to connect industrial partners, government agencies, and non-profit institutions with students and UGM alumni and other universities to recruit qualified and superior human resource candidates during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The pandemic that happened all over the world has made us adapt to the new normal. In this case, UGM, who is usually holding career fairs offline, now has to shift to the virtual activity,” he said on Tuesday (16/9).
The Chancellor said that to be superior, tough, and human resources with good quality, the synergic cooperation between UGM and industrial companies must be strengthened and implemented through innovative and sustainable joint programs. This condition is due to the high absorption of UGM graduates in the world of work to strengthen UGM’s position globally.
Therefore, Universitas Gadjah Mada provides high appreciation to industrial companies, government, and non-profit organizations to participate in the UGM Virtual Career Fair 2020. Hopefully, industrial companies, government, and non-profit institutions can take as much as possible qualified UGM and other university graduates through this activity.
“Through this activity, industrial companies can also provide input to UGM as a material for curriculum improvement. Therefore, UGM graduates earn relevant knowledge in the industrial world and can continue contributing to national development,” he said.
Director of Partnerships, Alumni and International Affairs, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., added that 2,500 participants attended the 2020 UGM Virtual Career Fair. The 2,500 participants consisted of 2,000 UGM students and alumni, as well as 500 non-alumni.
“This time, the UGM job fair is held uniquely, because we face a huge challenge due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even so, it still doesn’t discourage us from creating, innovating, and being productive,” he said.
Since 2020, UGM has made programs and innovations related to UGM careers. The program and innovation are a platform that allows students and alumni to always be updated for career opportunities, both in the form of job vacancies, internship opportunities, and intensive opportunities.
All information regarding vacancies, internships, and incentives will always be updated throughout this UGM Career platform. Hence, UGM students and alumni are always expected to open their simasters to monitor all available information.
“The UGM Career platform also provides facilities for UGM partners to easily post and recruit quality talents from UGM,” he said.
Danang admits that discovering talent is also a challenge for industrial companies, government, and non-profit organizations due to energy and the high-cost.
“With the UGM Career platform being developed, companies will find it easier to find talent,” he explained.
Companies register on the platform, after which they can post all job vacancies or internship opportunities. Through this platform, companies can see at any time how many have registered per day.
This system is unquestionably very efficient compared to capturing talent through roadshows, especially if the industrial companies only recruit 3-4 professionals.
“Throughout this platform, it will assuredly make it easier to find quality talent. UGM Career Platform is also a response to digital and industrial developments, namely the 4.0 industrial revolution. It is because the current technological developments in the form of digital technology require innovations that will accommodate generation Z, the millennial generation to get opportunities that are as easy as possible and of the best quality,” he added.
The eighteen industrial companies, government, and non-profit organizations involved in the 2020 UGM Virtual Career Fair include Jatis Mobile (PT Information Technology Indonesia), Campus France – IFI LIP Yogyakarta, PT Arutala Digital Inovasi, Bukit Vista, Qlue Smart City, PT Nawa Data Solutions, PT Teleperformance, Nuffic Neso Indonesia-Study in Holland, PT Indivara Group and Niagahoster (PT Web Media Technology Indonesia). Also attending were PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk, Grab Indonesia, PT Pembangkit Jawa-Bali, PT Bintang Toedjoe, PT MAS Sumbiri, PT Ungaran Sari Garments, DIY Manpower, and Transmigration Office, and PT. Balico Mulia Farma Tbk.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Translator: Natasa A