UGM Epidemiology Expert, dr. Citra Indriani, MPH., revealed that dormitories and Islamic boarding schools are prone to clusters of infectious diseases, including the transmission of Covid-19. The reason is that many people from diverse regions come to live together for a long time in the same place.
“In the dormitory or boarding school, people from various regions meet. This case is possible in bringing a high risk of infecting people. Moreover, to those who are still prone to the virus,” she said on Wednesday (7/10).
In her remarks, she conveyed this statement in response to the question of hundreds of students from three Islamic boarding schools in Sleman Regency that were tested positive for Covid-19. Beforehand, the coronavirus transmission had occurred in several Islamic boarding schools on Java Island. Besides, the transmission between students also occurred in the Secapa AD education center in West Java.
dr. Citra as a lecturer at UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing also said that there were possible efforts to prevent Covid-19 transmission in dormitories and Islamic boarding schools. First, students can implement health protocols as the main prevention method.
So is it safe if dormitories and Islamic boarding schools remain to operate during the Covid-19 pandemic? Citra said it doesn’t matter if dormitories or pesantren want to start education during the pandemic. Nevertheless, she emphasized that there should be strict health protocols implementation. Besides, educational activities are better to be carried out slowly and gradually.
Before starting to attend education, she added, the first step taken by the board of the boarding school or Islamic Boarding School is to implement self-quarantine for students who have just returned to the dormitory pesantren. Quarantine must be carried out in separate rooms and should not be mixed for up to 14 days of observation.
“Making the conditions of dormitories or Islamic Boarding School carry out health protocols is not easy, but it does not mean it cannot be implemented because everything takes time. Not only that, but the education organizer must also be well-understood the risk of opening and closing classes face-to-face. What can they do related to the education process during the pandemic is necessary to be discussed with a particular Health Office,” she explained.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A