Universitas Gadjah Mada and PT Philippines Antiviral Indonesia have a partnership in education, research, and community service. The UGM Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., and the President Director of the Philippines Antiviral Indonesia, Mario Pacurso Marcos, agreed to sign this Memorandum of Understanding on this cooperation in the Senate Hall, UGM Central Building on Friday (23/10).
Marcos expressed his appreciation to UGM for having agreed to cooperate with this Philippine pharmaceutical company. According to him, this cooperation can last long in giving benefits to the community. “We want this partnership to be sustainable for humanitarian goals,” he said.
He appraised that UGM, as one of Indonesia’s largest campuses, has contributed to research products in handling Covid-19 transmission in Indonesia. “I believe UGM has taken prompt steps by preparing several solutions in the current pandemic condition,” he said.
UGM Chancellor, Panut Mulyono, hoped that this cooperation could provide benefits to both institutions. He added that UGM has various research products and knowledge in supporting the growth of the pharmaceutical and health industries. “UGM has well collaboration with large, medium, to small industries so that it must have a wide impact on society,” he said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A