As part of sequence activities for the 71st UGM Anniversary, UGM and KAGAMA build synergy in organizing an Alumni Night 2020 on Saturday (5/12). This event took place at UGM Hall. Thousands of UGM academicians and alumni attended this event online.
“An Alumni Night, as an event which used to be held offline at the Balairung with great festivities. Regrettably, on this night, it must be held online because of the Covid-19 pandemic. But I believe this does not decrease the warmth and purpose of the 2020 Alumni Night,” UGM Chancellor said in his remarks, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng.,
The Chancellor revealed that UGM and KAGAMA always collaborate and endeavor to build harmonious relationships with UGM alumni scattered globally and the communities around UGM.
He also added that the Alumni Night event hopefully can make alumni always feel close to the alma mater physically and mentally. Accordingly, it is expected that they will always bring UGM values in acting for the nation and state.
He continued that UGM alumni have great concern for the education world. One proof is by the actualization of the UGM Sahabat program, which was launched two years ago to coincide with the 69th UGM Anniversary.
Sahabat UGM is a platform designed for UGM alumni and non-alumni who have a deep concern for UGM development. Based on cooperation, sincerity, and friendship, the Sahabat UGM platform is dedicated to making donors easier to keep aside some of their funds to advance education at UGM.
“After two years, currently, there have been 53 billion funds collected from UGM alumni and friends. We proceed with this endowment investment to perform the Tridharma of higher education at UGM, such as the KAGAMA Virtual scholarship and the Sahabat UGM scholarship,” he explained.
In his remarks, Panut also expressed his appreciation to all UGM alumni for handling the Covid-19 pandemic, especially to the medical workers on the front lines.
“On behalf of UGM, we are so thankful for UGM alumni who have been very active in the health sector. This dedication and enthusiasm in handling the pandemic, which in Indonesia itself has claimed many victims, has made medical workers become today’s heroes,” revealed the Chancellor.
On the same occasion, Ganjar Pranowo, as the General Head of the KAGAMA Central Board, conveyed the importance of the cooperation spirit from UGM alumni during a pandemic.
“This is a test from God. Therefore, a harmonious relationship is necessary. Don’t let us lose this togetherness, “he said.
He also explained that the community is also waiting for innovation and contributions from the UGM campus and its alumni to be capable of providing solutions to multiple problems that arose due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He also added that in this condition, KAGAMA should be there for everyone anywhere.
“There are many contributions that can be made, and now we need a solution to solve the problem. I am pretty sure UGM can accomplish its best, and KAGAMA also can synergize,”
said Ganjar.
There was also a symbolic handover of the Batch X Kagama scholarship and the Sahabat UGM scholarship in this event. There was also a tribute to Ki Seno Nugroho and Didi Kempot and a performance from GMCO and Guyon Waton.
Author: Gloria
Translator: Natasa A