President Joko Widodo has issued Government Regulation (PP) No. 70 of 2020 concerning Procedures for the Implementation of Chemical Castration, Installation of Electronic Detection Devices, Rehabilitation, and Announcement of Identity of Perpetrators of Sexual Violence Against Children.
Prof. Keontjoro, as UGM Social Psychology Expert, stated that the government’s determination to issue a government regulation (PP) on chemical castration for perpetrators of sexual violence against children/pedophiles was indeed the precise step. The reason is that this behavior is an extraordinary crime because it vitiates the nation’s generation.
“It infringes human rights, but if it is implemented to perpetrators of sexual crimes against children, the punishment for chemical castration is considered appropriate because this behavior not only degrades the nation’s generation but also generates new sexual predators,” he said on Tuesday (5/1).
According to the UGM Faculty of Psychology’s Professor, there would be an effective deterrent effect on government regulation (PP) if implemented consistently. In other words, law enforcement officials must consistently implement chemical castration regulations against perpetrators of child sexual abuse.
According to Koentjoro, proper and consistent enforcement of regulations will not only provide a deterrent effect for perpetrators of sexual crimes against children, but it can also provide children safeguard and break the chain of sexual violence against children.
“It is possibly effective in providing a deterrent effect if there are consistent rules implementation. Otherwise, if it’s not, it will not provide a deterrent effect,” Koentjoro said.
Additionally, regarding the consistent enforcement of the PP on chemical castration punishment, Koentjoro appraised that there should be endeavors to prevent sexual violence against children through family role function. Not only that, but there should also be control from the community role in order to prevent sexual violence against children.
Author: Ika
Photo: Shutterstock.com
Translator: Natasa A